The journal metrics 2023 were released. Please find further information on the journal metrics page.
The journal metrics 2023 were released. Please find further information on the journal metrics page.
Copernicus Publications started using the Research Organization Registry (ROR) database as the framework to assign institutional identifiers to corresponding authors in order to disambiguate affiliations listed on a published article and greatly enhancing the reporting capabilities to all academic stakeholders. Please read more.
Copernicus Publications started using the Research Organization Registry (ROR) database as the framework to assign institutional identifiers to corresponding authors in order to disambiguate affiliations listed on a published article and greatly enhancing the reporting capabilities to all academic stakeholders. Please read more.
The journal metrics 2022 were released. Please find further information on the journal metrics page.
The journal metrics 2022 were released. Please find further information on the journal metrics page.
To offer our journal editors a better service and an improved experience in our online system, we have significantly improved the referee nomination tool in our review system Copernicus Office Editor. Experience more and take a look.
To offer our journal editors a better service and an improved experience in our online system, we have significantly improved the referee nomination tool in our review system Copernicus Office Editor. Experience more and take a look.
In the coming days and weeks, readers of our journals will experience a facelift of our websites. Read more about the background.
In the coming days and weeks, readers of our journals will experience a facelift of our websites. Read more about the background.
Copernicus Publications is delighted to announce a new agreement with the UK-based Jisc (Joint Information Systems Committee) to streamline open-access publishing for their members. Read more.
Copernicus Publications is delighted to announce a new agreement with the UK-based Jisc (Joint Information Systems Committee) to streamline open-access publishing for their members. Read more.
The journal metrics 2021 were released and the current numbers are available from the journal metrics overview.
The journal metrics 2021 were released and the current numbers are available from the journal metrics overview.
At the end of the year, we would like to express our deep gratitude for our collaboration with all editors, referees, and authors in 2021. Please take a look at our Christmas card. Since our virtual office is closed from 23 Dec to 2 Jan and a significant number of editors and referees pause their work over the Christmas days, we extended all journal review deadlines: deadlines expiring shortly before or over Christmas have been extended to the week after and deadlines expiring after Christmas or over New Year have been extended to after New Year’s Day. Season's greetings and a happy New Year. Please stay healthy.
At the end of the year, we would like to express our deep gratitude for our collaboration with all editors, referees, and authors in 2021. Please take a look at our Christmas card. Since our virtual office is closed from 23 Dec to 2 Jan and a significant number of editors and referees pause their work over the Christmas days, we extended all journal review deadlines: deadlines expiring shortly before or over Christmas have been extended to the week after and deadlines expiring after Christmas or over New Year have been extended to after New Year’s Day. Season's greetings and a happy New Year. Please stay healthy.

The journal metrics were updated and the current numbers are available from the metrics box on the left-hand side.
The journal metrics were updated and the current numbers are available from the metrics box on the left-hand side.

The journal metrics were updated and the current numbers are available from the metrics box on the left-hand side.
The journal metrics were updated and the current numbers are available from the metrics box on the left-hand side.


A video abstract is a short video statement providing authors with the opportunity to present background information about their findings and to showcase their research activities to a wider audience.
A video abstract is a short video statement providing authors with the opportunity to present background information about their findings and to showcase their research activities to a wider audience.
Copernicus Publications recently launched its full-text HTML workflow and optimized the PIAHS website for mobile devices. Thereby, the user experience is significantly enhanced when reading PIAHS articles.
Copernicus Publications recently launched its full-text HTML workflow and optimized the PIAHS website for mobile devices. Thereby, the user experience is significantly enhanced when reading PIAHS articles.
Data underpinning any research finding should be findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) - not only for humans, but also for machines. Therefore, Copernicus Publications requests that such data are available upon publication of an article.
Data underpinning any research finding should be findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) - not only for humans, but also for machines. Therefore, Copernicus Publications requests that such data are available upon publication of an article.
The updated publication policy now is extended by the journal's open access statement, its archiving and indexing scheme, and explicit policies on corrections and retractions.
The updated publication policy now is extended by the journal's open access statement, its archiving and indexing scheme, and explicit policies on corrections and retractions.
The general obligations for editors, referees, and authors have been revised to give advice for the appropriate handling of literature suggestions.
The general obligations for editors, referees, and authors have been revised to give advice for the appropriate handling of literature suggestions.
From 6 June onwards, all newly submitted articles, if accepted for publication, will be distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
From 6 June onwards, all newly submitted articles, if accepted for publication, will be distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
To make it as easy as possible for users without technical knowledge to cut and paste or click to share DOIs, CrossRef has changed the display and citation guidelines for DOIs from "doi:10.5194/abcd" to "".
To make it as easy as possible for users without technical knowledge to cut and paste or click to share DOIs, CrossRef has changed the display and citation guidelines for DOIs from "doi:10.5194/abcd" to "".
Since early 2016, Copernicus Publications has been enabling authors to connect their articles with underlying or related material such as research data, model code, or scientific videos. To enhance reproducibility it is now also possible to include International Geo Sample Numbers (IGSNs) as assets.
Since early 2016, Copernicus Publications has been enabling authors to connect their articles with underlying or related material such as research data, model code, or scientific videos. To enhance reproducibility it is now also possible to include International Geo Sample Numbers (IGSNs) as assets.
Copernicus Publications has extended the article level metrics (ALMs) by showing the geographical distribution of views. This information is available for articles published after 3 August 2016.
Copernicus Publications has extended the article level metrics (ALMs) by showing the geographical distribution of views. This information is available for articles published after 3 August 2016.
In cooperation with the TIB|AV-Portal PIAHS authors can now add short, citable video abstracts and video supplements to their articles.
In cooperation with the TIB|AV-Portal PIAHS authors can now add short, citable video abstracts and video supplements to their articles.
We have updated our data policy: it now also refers to the Data Citation Principles and stresses the necessity of data availability.
We have updated our data policy: it now also refers to the Data Citation Principles and stresses the necessity of data availability.
Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (PIAHS) has become a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and thereby subscribes to the principles of COPE.
Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (PIAHS) has become a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and thereby subscribes to the principles of COPE.
The PIAHS website has been given a new look, and the navigation has been adjusted.
Further details:
The PIAHS website has been given a new look, and the navigation has been adjusted.
Further details:
Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (PIAHS) has started an XML-first workflow and will provide all new articles in full-text XML from now on.
Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (PIAHS) has started an XML-first workflow and will provide all new articles in full-text XML from now on.
The International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and are pleased to announce their new collaboration.
The International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and are pleased to announce their new collaboration.