Journal cover Journal topic
Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences An open-access publication for refereed proceedings in hydrology
Journal topic

Journal metrics

CiteScore value: 0.9
SNIP value: 0.504
IPP value: 0.81
SJR value: 0.296
Scimago H <br class='widget-line-break'>index value: 11
Scimago H
h5-index value: 19

Manuscript submission

Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (PIAHS) publishes up-to-date overviews of work in specific fields of hydrological sciences by presenting peer-reviewed papers from IAHS conferences and workshops.

Papers are published by invitation only after selection of abstracts/papers submitted for presentation at the related conference and after peer review. Anyone wishing to submit a paper to PIAHS should arrange to participate in and present a paper at a forthcoming IAHS event (see the IAHS calendar).

First steps

Before submission of a manuscript for publication, you are kindly requested to do the following:

File submission for production process

After the acceptance of your manuscript, you will be requested via email  to upload your files for the publication production process. Please submit the following files:

  • the actual text followed by the table(s) and figure caption(s) prepared in the way as outlined in the manuscript preparation guidelines as one file in LaTeX (as a *.tex file) or MS Word format (as a *.doc/*.docx file). Although initials are used in reference lists, please consider using full first names on the title page;
  • all figures, numbered (e.g. f01, f02, ..., f11, f01a, f01b) and prepared in the way as outlined in the manuscript preparation guidelines, as one *.zip archive. Possible figure formats are *.pdf, *.ps, *.eps, *.jpg, *.png, *.tif, and *.gif.

Remark on file sizes

Authors are kindly asked to find the best balance between good quality of submitted material and overall file size. Individual figures should not exceed 5 MB, and the overall size of all submitted files excluding supplements should not exceed 30 MB.

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